A tush - for you Ma!
Perhaps you can't see his face, but Seany is wide eyed with his tongue rolling out of his mouth as if he is staring at the hottest girl he's ever seen.
Ahh, Life. Enough said.
We went on an adventure one day. We rented a motor bike and cruised far from the mainstay and ended up in a secluded hilly landscape to push our limits.
While burrowing through spiky bushes, we found large rocks to keep us from the needle prickers. Within a group of rocks, we found an entry way to temporarily keep us from the blistering sun. "Let's see where this takes us!" we said to each other. We made our way into an unknown cave leading us to an unknown exit. As a matter of fact, we weren't sure if there was an exit, but we got down on our hands and knees and somehow managed to crawl under and through and finally up and out. A local bat taking its afternoon rest awoke to say hello, too, which gave us a quick yet lasting jitter.
Peace to the rocks.
Words cannot describe, however, that's the challenge of a writer.
We made it, yet when we got back to the bike, it didn't work. Of course. After locals came to our rescue, Sean became the night driver to vroom vroom to our cozy 7 day old guest house.

Our guest house and those that live and own the place.
Seany's enjoying the grub, as well as the local way of grubbin'
And some views.
And more.
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