Sri Ram Ashram - An Orphanage

Before and After
This ceremony is similar to a bris - only its shaving the baby's hair off the head. This takes place before the child turns 1. This baby was a trooper, barely shedding a tear even when slight blood began to trickle down her now bald head.

My very first yoga class. One morning, I woke up earlier than usual due to the fact that it becomes unbearably hot outside during the afternoon and wanted to spend some time outside for some fresh air. Each morning I do at least ten minute or so of stretching, and one of the kids at the ashram came up beside me and began to stretch with me. Slowly slowly, ten or so other kids joined in, and I had a fully functioning yoga session. This then became my daily routine. Early morning yoga outside for whoever wants to join in.

Each month, the ashram celebrates the birthdays of those who turned a new year within that month. The celebration consists of kids getting together to dance to a song of their preference, which they practice every day. These three pictures show the color, culture, and random appearances of each dance. The dance is accompanied by ice cream and cake, which hits the spot in this dead heat of the summer. These kids are so so talented, and when they dress up, one can really get a sampler taste of the rich Indian culture.

A good time to visit Sri Ram Ashram. I showed up here at the ashram during a filming of the facilities and the kids. A group from NYU was shooting the second film for the ashram for their next fundraising effort. Lucky for me, I got to tag along with the kids when the film crew decided to fund a field trip to Crystal World Water Park. Fun Fun.
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